Room 1151
John MacMillan,
Deputy Secretary for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Room 1151
Supporting Citizens in the Digital Age: What Should A Government IT Professional Do?
Mark Forman
Global Head, VP and General Manager, Public Sector
14th Fl. Auditorium
BRM can be a difficult capability to grow, despite its importance in all organizations. This session will focus on why BRM is becoming increasingly important, methods to grow the capability in any IT environment, value messaging, things IT professionals can do to facilitate the BRM capability in their organization.
Gerry Robinson,
Chair of Executive Council,
Business Relationship Management Institute
Room 1305
Learn how Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services can take your application to the next level with facial recognition, object detection, text analytics, even gesture recognition. We’ll have some fun demoing some of the services and show how with just a few lines of code you can add AI to your projects.
Philip Coachman,
Cloud Solution Architect – Data & AI,
Room 1258
If you have been around IT for some time, you know the only constant is change. The role of technology & operations staff has certainly evolved over the years. Automation hasn’t lessened the role of the IT employee, but it has substantially changed it and by understanding and adapting to the challenges ahead, you can be part of the evolution to change it for the better. IT Service Management principles can provide foundational elements to assist in this transition. Attend this session to learn how ITIL concepts can help you navigate this transition so you can add value to your customers.
Rick Hawtrey,
CEO – ITIL Expert,
Hawtrey Inc.
Room 1205
The cloud makes many seasoned IT security pros nervous because we can’t use the same tools and topologies that we do on premise. Without those tools, can organizations really trust their most sensitive assets to a cloud service provider? Does moving to the cloud mean a necessary loss of control and visibility? And as more local and state governments, including the Commonwealth of PA, shift critical workloads and services to cloud providers, do they have to risk trading security for convenience? With the right planning and cloud partner, even highly sensitive assets can be transitioned to the cloud in a secure, trusted manner. In this session we’ll take a look at the core requirements around data and workload protection, explain how the responsibility model is different for PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS, and provide practical guidance on how organizations can increase security and visibility in their cloud environments.
Diana Kelley,
Cybersecurity Field CTO,
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Room 1151
The acceleration of change, the declining shelf-life of business models, and the widening gap between customer intent and behavior are all connected to one constant: the human experience. Aligning these forces to make your government strategy and goals compelling and tangible takes a citizen centric focus, leadership who understands the balance of what’s possible with what’s right and a Business Relationship manager to build the bridges.
Andy Main,
Deloitte Digital
14th Fl. Auditorium
Business Capability modeling is used to represent how IT organizations can delivery strategic value to the business. These models represent how current business capabilities are met by IT and what changes need to be made to capabilities to address strategic business opportunities. Attend this session to learn how you can add value to the business through business architecture principles.
Christine Pascarella,
Vice President,
Gartner Consulting
Vimal Sharma,
Senior Director,
Gartner Consulting
Room 1305
No-code development is not only possible and practical as a substantial time and cost saver, but it has been proven out over the past 5 years and across hundreds of real world development projections. In fact, a Gartner analyst recently explained that the concepts “Platform” and “High Productivity Toolsets” are now a part of every CIO conversation on Application Development. No longer are these tools relegated to peripheral departmental applications, but are now being required even for core multi-departmental applications. Cal Fuerst of CitizenDeveloper will provide a live demonstration of what no-code development really looks like. Additionally, he will unveil to this audience a world-first exclusive – natural language based software development.
Cal Fuerst,
VP of Sales and Operations,
Room 1258
The utilization of Private and Public clouds in critical for business agility in the current age and using software constructs is critical for delivery of infrastructure as well as transformation of business needs in the modern world. The flexibility of a hybrid cloud approach gives flexibility to effectively utilize both private and public cloud resources.
Jim Silvera,
Product Management – Evangelist / Strategist,
Room 1205
The world of cybersecurity is ever changing; everyday 1,000’s of new cyber-attacks are launched against enterprises of all sizes, small, medium, and large. No entity is exempt from the vulnerabilities poised to attack their enterprise. From Ransomware (WannaCry, Bad Rabbit), to the Equifax breach, and the leaking of federal government hacking tools were just the highlighted attacks in 2017’s. What do the experts expect 2018 to the threats and attacks to be in 2018? Robert Anderson will discuss this topic based on some of the latest cyber threat intelligence and threat actor activity. The information will your organization plan and prepare for the potential threats targeting your enterprise.
Robert Anderson,
Principal Cyber Security Architect,
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Room 1151
Agencies need to provide better services, better end user experiences and reduce costs. Doing that requires a thinking holistically, classifying and mapping out citizens journeys, and reimagining the citizens experience. Attend this session to learn techniques and tips to reinvent IT operating model to provide remarkable citizens experience for the digital world.
PN Narayanan,
Chief Information Officer,
Pennsylvania Treasury Department
14th Fl. Auditorium
The State of Georgia IT organization led by Calvin Rhodes, CIO had numerous challenges in executing hundreds of projects across the 120 plus state agencies. A few years ago Rhodes noticed a trend of critical projects across each of their business units experiencing cost overruns resulting from scope creep, quality issues, and schedule delays. After a number of failed attempts at implementing traditional ERP Project Governance solutions he uncovered a unique and innovative solution that saved the state over 300 million dollars in project expense and dramatically improving project success. Net result. The citizens of Georgia are reaping the benefits of improved services. This presentation is a case study of how the State of Georgia implemented an innovative project. governance process and tool that saved millions of dollars and improved the services delivered to Georgian citizens
Phil Weinzimer,
Strategere Consulting
Room 1305
User’s information interaction and consumption has changed at a dramatic pace. Mobile, Text, and Voice interfaces are becoming the norm among PA’s citizens. While the interface is new, the solution isn’t dramatically different than traditional application development. The most significant trend is customer self-service utilizing Text and Voice interfaces. The goal is allowing citizens and users to service themselves via interfaces they are most accustomed to today. These new interfaces are not a replacement for existing solutions; they are an interface which can utilize existing systems making them more accessible for constituents. This session will walk you through the architecture of Text and Voice interfaces. Participant will be shown example solutions built with Text and Voice interfaces in real-world examples. Additionally, participants will be shown how to utilize their existing solutions to support both Voice and Text interfaces. Examples will show traditional smart speakers, Text-app, and mobile with voice and text interfaces.
Greg Buckwalter,
Nolinio, LLC
Room 1258
IT Organizations need to reinvent themselves to meet the ever changing world of technology and to better meet the expectations of business partners. This presentation discusses factors impacting IT and Business and various models that could be considered to provide value and transformation to business operations.
Steven Young,
Sr. Vice President,
Mathtech, Inc.
Room 1205
Who do clients blame when they’ve been hacked? You’ve built a career, spent a lifetime working hard to get where you are today. Don’t let some lowlife thief operating outside the law in another country get away with taking that from you. And certainly don’t “hope” your IT guy has you covered. Get the facts and be certain you are protected.
Michael Bubernack,
Author, Co-Owner, CEO,
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Room 1151
Learn how Digital Transformation (DT) can improve your organization’s customer experience. Digital transformation is the change associated with the application of digital technology.
Matthew Clare,
Product Manager & CX Specialist,
Mitel, MiContact Center
In January 2017, the Commonwealth launched an initiative to transform the administrative functions of human resources and information technology into a shared services model to improve services, while reducing costs and streamlining work. Attend this session to participate in an interactive discussion with panelists about the new model being implemented, and to share innovative ideas and opportunities that exist for the shared services transformation journey.
Stacey White, Panel Facilitator,
Shared Services Program Manager,
Commonwealth of PA: Office of Strategy and Management
Rosa Lara,
Commonwealth of PA: Office of Strategy and Management
Jim Weaver,
Chief Technology Officer,
Commonwealth of PA
Erik Avakian,
Chief Information Security Officer,
Commonwealth of PA
Sean Crager,
Chief Information Officer,
Commonwealth of PA: Conservation and Environment Delivery Center
Michael DeMatt,
Chief Information Officer,
Commonwealth of PA: Infrastructure and Economic Development Delivery Center